Studio Imagen Web Design and Photography

Web Design Services

We professionally design our websites using the latest and most advanced and web friendly technology. We want to avoid browser conflicts with all our websites. Below is a list of several of the services we provide that enhance your website. Many of these you would not recognize unless you have programming knowlege. We want you to know what we do for you that you do not see.

  • Our websites are custom designed, not a template or utilizing any pre designed elements - our websites are first custom designed by a graphic artist then coded professionally so your site can be completely unique and not restricted to a pre-formatted template or with only editable regions. We custom design all website elements and graphics from scratch.

  • Our websites are professional scripted using php, html, css, java, and server side includes, and any other technology your site may need to utilize.

  • We can fully optimize all pages for optimal earch engine results and ranking.

  • Style sheets are designed and programmed to be used for buttons (verses using hard to update, slow loading images) This is also for the best search engine ranking and quickest loading time. We do not use html code cluttering font tags or limiting front page scripts.

  • We can setup and program of php admin area pages so you can update your own pages without needing outside assistance or programming knowlege.

  • We hide scripts to also enhance search engine listing and limit cluttering of the html.

  • Our websites utilize server side includes to make updates to the site menu and other elements of the website quickly and efficiently to all pages at once.

  • We limit large graphics for a fast loading website.

  • All graphics are color corrected, enhanced, sized down for the web for a quick loading website.

  • Simple, and consistant navagation throughout the site for ease of use.

  • Web colors are used for consistancy in color on different monitors.

  • Tables are limited for clean and efficient html that has been validated and free from errors.

  • We can create custom forms that submit customers information to your email address.

  • We can create members area, username and password protected areas, animated graphics, e-commerce solutions, or anything else your might need.

Note: Do keep in mind that people want to easily find and read information and that too much can be distracting. We suggest keeping your content simple, easy to read and in the same format and placement throughout the website for ease of reading and navagation and limit any scrolling text or ongoing paragraphs. Bulleted information is great. Centering text is hard for a readers eye to follow and read.

Web Site Development
We will work with you to design a web page that says what you want it to say and reflects the image you want for your business.

We can design your pages to accommodate on-line shopping using secure credit card services. Check out our
e-commerce hosting package!

By providing web hosting as well as design, you don't need to search for someone to host your web site. We can do that for you at some of lowest prices you'll find anywhere...

Search Engine Optimization
Although ultimately you need to market your web presence, we can assist by optimizing your website, running position reports and posting your domain name to web search engines.

Domain Name Registration
We will register your domain name for you and even help you find a suitable domain name.

Database Driven
We can set you up with interactive and database driven websites. Log in to your own administration page to make updates yourself! No Templates, we custom design the sites and then write the script for your particular site needs!

Animation and Flash
We do flash graphics, buttons, animated intro and websites.

Ongoing Support
Studio Imagen provides continued ongoing support and maintenance of your web site for as long as you need us.


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Site Designed and Hosted by
Studio Imagen Web Design