Application Instructions (Apply between temperatures of 60-75 degrees if possible.)
Dry Application: - for small decals, lettering, wall decals etc.
- Thoroughly clean the surface with rubbing alcohol where the Decal will be applied to and let dry COMPLETELY.
- Place the decal in the position you want it, securing it in place on the top with masking tape
- lift the decal and slowly peel off the backing paper then so the decal is on the application tape.
- Slowly lay down and smooth on the decal with the application tape still on top of the decal, sticking both application tape and decal on the surface.
- Over top the decal and tape, Apply pressure and smooth decal Decal down firmly with a credit card or application squeegee. The more pressure, the better the decal will stay.
- Once secured, slowly peel back the application tape off of the decal. Make certain decal is sticking firmly to applied surface.
- If you go over the decal again with squeegie or card after the tape has been removed, wrap the paper you pulled off the decal (wax side out) over your squeegie before appling pressure to avoid damaging the decal.
** If you have any air bubbles pop with a small x-acto blade and smooth down vinyl.
Wet Application: - for large window decals (not to be used with Chrome Vinyl)
- Thoroughly clean the surface with rubbing alcohol where the Decal will be applied to and let dry COMPLETELY.
- Spray surface with a VERY thin film of soapy water (squeegie liquid around to cover all area)
- Slowly Peel off the backing paper then so the decal is on the application tape.
- Place the decal in the position you want it, you should be able to slide it around to the position you want
- Smooth on the decal with the application tape still on top of the decal, sticking both application tape and decal on the surface.
- Over top the decal and tape, Apply pressure and smooth decal down firmly with a credit card or application squeegee. The more pressure, the better the decal will stay. Keep rubbing until decal sticks to surface. With wet application it may take longer for decal to stick, and harder to peel tape away from decal.
- Spray the application tape so it is damp and VERY slowly remove the application tape making certain your decal is sticking firmly to applied surface.
- Squeegie over the design moving any liquid or air bubbles out from under the decal using a squeegie or card wrapped with the backing paper you pulled off the decal (wax side out) before appling pressure to avoid damaging the decal.
- Pat Dry
** If you have any air bubbles pop with a small x-acto blade and smooth down vinyl. |